# Autres

TOMBO Oster-Wettbewerb

Tombo Bar, Via dil Crest 10, 7017 Flims Dorf
Participation is free of charge
Take part in the Easter egg hunt and, with a bit of luck, win a culinary prize. You can take part from Good Friday to Easter Monday during our opening hours (Monday until 4 pm).
Find the Easter eggs - win a culinary prize!
Paper Easter eggs will be hanging in the Tombo Bar during Easter. Can you find them all? Let us know how many eggs of which color you have found. We will be giving away three gift packages with honey, salsiz and sausages among all the correct answers on Easter Monday at 4 pm. Good luck!


Biohof Tombo

Via dil Crest 10

7017 Flims Dorf