# Expositions

The Miracle of Transmission

Ausstellungssaal des Stiftsarchivs, Klosterhof 1, 9000 St. Gallen
CHF 18.00 / CHF 16.00 / CHF 12.00 / CHF 10.00
The Plan of St Gall and Europe in the Early Middle Ages
Permanent exhibition in the exhibition space
he exhibition "The Miracle of Transmission – The Plan of St Gall and Europe in the Early Middle Ages" focuses on the unique abundance of early medieval documents in St Gall. Of particular interest are the legal documents preserved in the St Gall Abbey Archive. These include two confraternity books and the only profession book from the Carolingian period still preserved. Temporary exhibitions of thematically selected documents provide insights into everyday life in the Early Middle Ages.

In a separate room the famous St Gall Abbey Plan is given pride of place. This plan is considered to be the most important architectural drawing of the Middle Ages. After an introductory multivision display, the plan can be viewed in its original form for a few seconds. For conservation reasons, the valuable document must be protected against overexposure to light.


last admission 4:45 pm

closed in November for 2 weeks each for revision/conversion
24/25 December closed


Stiftsbezirk St.Gallen

Klosterhof 6d

9000 St.Gallen