Collectif d'Art Ré-Visionnaire

# Arte e cultura

(Ci dispiace, la versione italiana di questo testo non è al momento disponibile.) Le Collectif rassemble de nombreux artistes de différentes catégories, animés par des valeurs communes.

Chi siamo

(Ci dispiace, la versione italiana di questo testo non è al momento disponibile.)

The Re-Visionary Art Collective

offers to promote Art that supports spirituality, ecology, ethics, beauty, and harmony, in order to contribute to the raising of humanity’s consciousness. The new world emerging is one with values of the heart, of love, and of brotherhood, in which Art will play a great role (see our Manifest).

It brings together nine fields of art: painting, photography, video-making, sculpture, craft, writing, theatre, dance, and music.


Collectif d'Art Ré-Visionnaire, Ch. de la Valerette 1a, 1860 Aigle
Socialmedia Links


Segnaposto foto profilo
Christiane Tabord Deillon
Vice-présidente, graphisme, communication.