# Arti sceniche

Femme disparaît (versions)

POCHE / GVE, Rue du Cheval-Blanc 7, 1204 Genève, 1204 Genève
Femme disparaît (versions)
A deserted flat, open doors, a pair of trainers on the pavement. A woman enters, then another, then another. It smells musty. They don't live there. They wonder who lives there and what happened to the woman who used to live here...

These women are all women: the old, the young and especially the average ones. Singles and couples. Mothers, careerists, fisherwomen and actresses too, who always find themselves serving salad and playing the show off. They try to free themselves from the stories that hinder them. They invent possible stories and seek to escape assigned roles.


Théâtre POCHE / GVE