# Visita & giro della città

Visit the fountains of Grandson

Administration communale de Grandson, Rue Basse 57, 1422 Grandson
Inscription :
* Visite guidée : Free
How many fountains are there in Grandson? If you thought you knew them all, you'll be surprised.
The meeting point is the Place du Château in Grandson, in front of the restaurant Le Commerce. A stroll through the village (including narrow streets and steep staircases) will allow you to discover the history of some of the most beautiful fountains, along with many anecdotes.

The journey between Grandson and the Tuileries will be made by car pool or by bicycle, for those who come by bike, and the visit will continue with the fountains installed in the centre of the Tuileries.

Those wishing to return to Grandson will do so in the same way.
Reservations are strongly recommended with the cultural affairs delegate: annick.voirol@grandson.ch


Commune de Grandson

Annick Voirol

Rue Basse 57

1422 Grandson