# Questo e quello

Night watchman tour with a twist

Musée d'art et d'histoire, Ruelle de l’hôtel de ville 11, 2520 La Neuveville
Prices :
* Adults : CHF ¤20.00
* Student / AHV / AI : CHF ¤15.00
* Children : CHF ¤10.00
Discover La Neuveville and some of its secrets while listening to the fascinating stories told by La Neuveville's night watchman, impersonated by a storyteller. Once in charge of calling out the hour and keeping watch over the city – in particular to sound the alarm if there was a fire and to make sure that everyone was safe in their homes at nightfall – this figure, with eyes and ears everywhere, was always aware of what was going on around town. During the first part of the tour, you will be invited to listen to some of the tales picked up by the watchman during his rounds of the city, then you will take a walk yourself to see the spots where the events took place.
Reservation required


Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de La Neuveville

Ruelle de l'Hôtel de Ville 11

2520 La Neuveville