Chœur-Mixte Billens-Hennes

# Leisure and hobbies # Music

Choeur Mixte La Cécilienne de Billens-Hennens

About us

La Cécilienne de Billens-Hennens is a mixed parish choir that was founded in December 1969. It leads masses in the parish of Billens-Hennens. At present there are about thirty singers in the choir. Its repertoire is mainly devoted to the animation of religious celebrations but also includes secular pieces. The Cécilienne regularly organizes annual concerts and participates very willingly in various occasional and regional events.


p.a. Hervé Dubugnon, Chemin de la Bioleyre 20, 1681 Billens
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Contact person

Placeholder profile photo
Hervé Dubugnon
Placeholder profile photo
Rhaïssa Cerqueira