# Sport

Lachen DTV STV

Member of

About us

(Sorry, at the moment there is no English version of this text.)


Aktive Turnhalle Seefeld Lachen Montag - 20.15 - 21.45/22.00 Uhr

Seniorinnen Turnhalle KVB Lachen Montag - 20.00 - 21.30 Uhr

Indiaca Turnhalle Seefeld Lachen Donnerstag - 20.15 - 21.45/22.00 Uhr   


Contact person

Placeholder profile photo
Bea Korner
Placeholder profile photo
Conny Köpfli
Technische Leiterin Frauen
Placeholder profile photo
Margrit Hauser
Technische Leiterin Seniorinnen