# Society # Culinary art # This and that

May tavolata "Cucina regionale", May 29, 2024 from 6.30 pm

Casa Nobile, Enoteca, Bahnhofstrasse 1, 3315 Bätterkinden
All dishes are served on plates. Dolce on a plate or in a jar.
Price per person CHF 88.00 incl. Stuzzichini wines & drinks without wines CHF 75.00
Grappa & Co CHF 8.00 per glass
"Tavolata is the informal Italian way of enjoying a meal with friends, family or business partners.
The atmosphere is warm and "fortissimo", the prices are decent and "piano".
Tavolata from Wednesday, May 29

Reception Stuzzichini 6.30 pm

Baguette rolls with egg & cress and with hen's meatloaf & mustard

Tavolata from 19.00 hrs


Carpaccio of herb trout / cauliflower duet / radish

Juicy zebu ham / mixed salad

Pork rolls on leek salad / potato straw


Original spelt pasta from Büren zum Hof with minced chicken, spinach, fennel, cream


Hoof lid of zebu beef cooked down / baked potatoes / carrots & broccoli


Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

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Opening hours

18.30 Door opening, followed by Aperitivo/Stuzzichini - 19.00 Tavolata


casa nobile GmbH


Bahnhofstrasse 1

3315 Bätterkinden