# This and that

Symposium "History of the Three Leagues"

Grigioni 1524-2024, Comitato organizzativo «Bregaglia Cultura», Grigioni 1524-2024, Comitato organizzativo «Bregaglia Cultura», c/o Centro Giacometti, Strada cantonale 121, 7605 Stampa
The conference deals with the history and culture of remembrance of Graubünden and its neighbours in the Swiss, Italian and European context.
The key questions of the academic conference are: What historical significance should one attach to the Federal Charter (historical term ‘Bundsbrief’) of the Three Leagues of 1524? What role does (or did) it play in the historiography, politics of memory and culture of remembrance in Graubünden and Lombardy, Switzerland, Italy and Europe?
The topic will be dealt with from regional, national and European historical perspectives, with the help of classical and more recent approaches to political, legal, social and cultural history and from the point of view of comparative and intertwined histories. The initiators of the conference aim to strengthen historical awareness in the former territories of the Three Leagues (Grey League, League of God's House, League of Ten Courts). The conference also has a special focus in that it deals with developments in the southern Grisons valleys (such as Bergell, Puschlav and Oberengadin) and in the (former) subject territories of Veltlin, Chiavenna, Bormio and upper Lake Como.

**Location** Hotel Maloja Palace, Maloja
**Dates / Time** Saturday, June 8th, 2024, 1:30 p.m. - 6:45 p.m., at 9 p.m.[ Concert](https://www.bregaglia.ch/en/actuality/events/events-calendar?event_id=649d9b49-00be-462e-baf4-155ba9655a05&place=bergell&category=&tag=&SrchFromDate=04.05.2024&SrchToDate=04.11.2024) / Sunday, June 9th, 2024, 9:30 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
**Language** Italian and German with simultaneous translation
**Cost** free of charge
**Registration** requested by 12 noon the day before. It is also possible to participate in individual parts of the event: [Registration for the "History of the Three Leagues" symposium](https://www.fhgr.ch/event/formular/a35bbe11-53ca-ee11-88e9-005056a78128/)

**[Download flyer](https://centrogiacometti.ch/images/pdf/500_Jahre_Flyer_Historikersymposium_A4_DE_LOW.pdf)**

**Recommended hotels and restaurants:**
[Pension/Restaurant Bellavista](https://www.ristorante-bellavista.ch/), Maloja
[Hotel/Restaurant Longhin](https://longhin.ch/), Maloja
[Hotel Cristallina / Restaurant Murtaröl](https://plaundalej.ch/restaurant/), Plaun da Lej
[Hotel Maloja Palace](https://www.malojapalace.com/it/home), Maloja (bedroom only)


Bregaglia Cultura c/o Centro Giacometti

Bregaglia Cultura c/o Centro Giacometti

Strada Cantonale 119

7605 Stampa