# This and that

Market and seedling swap

Centre Pro Natura de Champ-Pittet, Chemin de la Grande Cariçaie 1, 1400 Cheseaux-Noréaz
With the arrival of spring, don't miss the unmissable seedling market at the Centre Pro Natura in Champ-Pittet.
The twelfth edition of the seedling market will be held at the Centre Pro Natura in Champ-Pittet on Saturday 18 May.

On the programme:
A day of exchange and conviviality for amateur and experienced gardeners. The seedling market will focus on vegetable, flower and herb seedlings from organic seeds or old varieties, with local organic producers and seedlings from the Champ-Pittet gardener.
Venue: Champ-Pittet Pro Natura Centre
Access: We recommend using public transport, as parking spaces are limited and fill up quickly.
Admission: The event is free.


Centre Pro Natura de Champ-Pittet

Chemin de la Cariçaie 1

1400 Cheseaux-Noréaz