# Sightseeing & city tour # This and that

Visit megaliths with wisdom keepers of the indigenous Kogi people from Colombia

Schloss Waldegg, Waldeggstrasse 1, 4532 Feldbrunnen-St.Niklaus
CHF 90.00 / day workshop
Exchange of ideas with Kogi wisdom keepers from Colombia about the importance of ancestors, places of power and how we can reconnect.
The Kogi (Kággaba) are an indigenous people who live away from our culture in the Colombian jungle. They still live according to the ancient laws of nature and the traditional wisdom of their ancestors. They are one of the very few indigenous peoples who have preserved their millennia-old knowledge almost intact.

Thanks to the foresight of this highly educated people, their networked thinking, their deep wisdom about nature and their sense of community, they can offer us highly topical answers to the challenges of our time as well as practical solutions on how we can make life in our culture more life-friendly.

The Kogi maintain an active relationship with their ancestors, who play an important role in their culture beyond death as carriers of knowledge. The ancestral sites are important meeting places where the Kogi come into contact with their ancestors, but also with the living, in order to exchange ideas with them.

In Western culture, we have largely lost the connection to our ancestors and thus to our roots, and as a result, a large part of our dreams and visions. The encounter with the Kogi can help us to understand why the relationship with the ancestors and the power places is so important.

The Kogi have very well-developed senses. This is why they perceive energies that remain hidden to most people in our culture. Mama José Maria and his son Fabián will share their knowledge and perceptions with us, explain the connections and perform situational Kogi rituals. We are very excited to find out what they can tell us about the megaliths and how they perceive the Verena Gorge.

Get involved in an instructive exchange of knowledge with the two wisdom keepers and ask them your questions about the ancestors, the ancestral and power places and their effect on us humans. For their part, Mama José Maria and Fabián are interested in what knowledge we still have and what relationships we have with our ancestors and places of power.

The day workshop will take place in a small group because we want to give all participants enough space to share their thoughts and experiences with the two wisdom keepers. We look forward to an inspiring, intercultural exchange of ideas with the participants and the two Kogi.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Opening hours

Meeting point at 09.15 am in the parking lot of Waldegg Castle.

