# Classical concert

Spring concert by the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis: The Rite of Spring.

Schloss Waldegg, Museum , Waldeggstrasse 1, 4532 Feldbrunnen-St.Niklaus
Free admission / collection
With Eliot Xaquin Dios (harpsichord), Rahel Boell and Jaume Guri Batlle (violins), Rebecca Krieg (cello)
Baroque edition
For this spring concert, the ensemble Il concerto intempestivo takes its cue from "Le Sacre du Printemps", the famous ballet by Igor Stravinsky, in an original way. It uses programmatic compositions from the Baroque period (by Purcell, Marini, Corelli and others), but also arrangements and its own compositions in the Baroque style. As in Stravinsky's model, the selected music evokes the mystery and the great creative power of spring.

The "Four Seasons" concert series presents selected ensembles from the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis / Basel University of Music FHNW in the four cantons sponsoring the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland: Aargau, Basel-Landschaft, Basel-Stadt and Solothurn. Students and young graduates perform the results of their training in music practice and music research in concerts - concerts with living music from the past, from the Middle Ages to the Romantic period. In this way, the ensembles give their audiences an impression of the high artistic quality of the training made possible by the four sponsoring cantons.

An aperitif will be offered afterwards.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Schloss Waldegg

Museum und Begegnungszentrum

Waldeggstrasse 1

4532 Feldbrunnen-St. Niklaus