Sacred Threads

Fri-Art, Centre d'art contemporain, Petites-Rames 22, 1700 Fribourg
Exhibition at the Kunsthalle Friart
Throughout history, social systems have included places for contemplation and activities that help us feel connected to something greater than ourselves. These activities often involve events and rituals that facilitate transcendence and interconnectedness.
The exhibition Sacred Threads includes works by PARKing CHANce – Park Chan-wook (1963) and Park Chan-kyong (1965), Mira Mann (1993), Ana Mendieta (1948 –1985), Pamela Rosenkranz (b. 1979), and Jura Shust (b. 1983), artists from different continents with distinct cosmologies and transcendental cultures. It explores how this ancestral knowledge has evolved and continues to influence our contemporary lives and artists’ works. From our governance structures and languages to ceremonies, relationships between nature and technology, and creation stories, this exhibition draws narratives that connect us to our past, future, and sense of identity.
The exhibition is curated by Olga Generalova.


Kunsthalle Friart Fribourg

1701 Fribourg