# Stage # Museums & Attractions

International Museum Day at Ballenberg

19.05.2024 10:00 - 17:00
Ballenberg, Freilichtmuseum der Schweiz, Museumsstrasse 100, 3858 Hofstetten b. Brienz
CHF 32.00 - Adults
CHF 16.00 - Children 6-16 years
CHF 72.00 - Family admission
A Sunday dedicated to our annual theme, “On the move across the world”. Personal guided tours are set to animate the stations along the annual themed trail, with our Fairytale Sunday narrators bringing migration stories to life. The highlight will be a reading (in German) from “Kätter Briefe”, a story of emigration from Guttannen, in the Farmstead from Tentlingen FR (511).


Ballenberg, Freilichtmuseum der Schweiz

Museumsstrasse 100

3858 Hofstetten b. Brienz
