# Customs, Folklore & Celebrations # Concert Pop / Rock / Jazz # Society # Culinary art # Concerts others

eat & meet

Dorfplatz, 5426 Lengnau AG
free of charge, collection
Finger food buffet, Surbtal youth game, Agent Flipper
Lengnau celebrates its diversity with people from over 40 nations. And because the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, there will be finger food from all over the world, made in Lengnau. There will also be something to drink and two concerts. First, the Surbtal Youth Orchestra will be playing under the direction of Yves Jordi. Afterwards, the trio Agent Flipper will provide a beach feeling with surf music.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Kulturkreis Surbtal

Katja Tüscher-Birchmeier


Rebenstrasse 13

5426 Lengnau
