# Sightseeing & city tour

Famous guests from all over the world 2024

16.06.2024 11:00
Musikschule Region Thun, Gwattstrasse 120, 3645 Gwatt
Price per person: CHF 50.- (with book CHF 80.-),
AHV CHF 40.- (with book CHF 70.-), schoolchild CHF 15.-
(advance payment or cash/twint on the day of the tour)
You will learn about the Baroness and her work, which also shaped the design of the Bonstettengut.
The guest book of Betty Lambert (1894-1969) from the years
1937 to 1960 includes around 1200 people from home and abroad
abroad - including many personalities such as Marc Chagall
and Greta Garbo or the escape helper Eduardo Propper de
Calléjon, the foreign police chief Heinrich Rothmund and the
US intelligence chief Allen Welsh Dulles. They and other
big names and their own stories are the focus of this
on this tour. You will also learn about
the baroness and her work, which also shaped the design of the
Bonstettengut estate.

Tour of the Bonstettengut (incl. Bonstettenpark,
but without the villa) with exclusive information from over
five years of research work

Meeting point: At the gate in the cour d'honneur of the Campagne Bellerive
(Thun Region Music School)
- Guided tours are also available in French or English
- Registration: info@franziskastreun.ch

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

More dates

  • 16.06.2024 11:00
  • 21.07.2024 14:00


Franziska Streun

Waldheimstrasse 11

3604 Thun