# Customs, Folklore & Celebrations # Culinary art # This and that

Kambly Bretzeli Festival

Kambly Erlebnis, Mühlestrasse 8, 3555 Trubschachen
Enjoy the Bretzeli in all its facets and experience attractions for the whole family.
The Kambly Bretzeli has been produced with great dedication in Trubschachen in the idyllic Emmental valley since 1910 using the same recipe day after day. Reason enough to celebrate the classic biscuit. The varied program with numerous attractions promises hours of fun for the whole family.

Little train for young visitors operated by BLS and Gurten
Autograph session with two SCL Tigers players (Saturday, 13.30-15.00)
Gurten - Park im Grünen visit to Kambly with photo point and competition
Tour of the Galliker Transport electric truck AG with the Kambly trailer
Bouncy castle
Baking pretzels over an open fire
Punch and Judy show with Aubergine Punch and Judy (daily, 11.30, 13.30 & 15.30)
Face painting for children
Meet Kambly raw material producers from the Emmental in person
Live chickens from the Arche farm in Schangnau
Biscuit decorating with the Kambly Maître Confiseurs
Decorate Bretzeli Dösli
Musical performances
Food stalls

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Kambly Erlebnis

Mühlestrasse 8

3555 Trubschachen
