# Culinary art


HÖFLI, Quellenstrasse 1, 5330 Bad Zurzach
Surprise your mom on May 12, 2024 with an étagère breakfast at Höfli from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
Choose from the two breakfast variations "Supérieur" and "Vitale" (Vegi), which we serve with a glass of Prosecco, fresh juices and 2 hot drinks of your choice.
We kindly ask you to make your reservation online or by telephone on T. +41(0)56 269 50 78 by the day before at the latest.

Tip: The Etageren breakfast makes the perfect gift. In our online voucher store, you can order your gift voucher directly from home, print it out and give it away immediately - a great idea if you need a gift quickly and spontaneously.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


Restaurant HÖFLI

Thermalquellen Resort

Quellenstrasse 1

5330 Bad Zurzach