# Musei & Monumenti

Guided tour at the Wallpaper Museum

Musée du papier peint, Au Château, Route de l'Eglise 12, 1684 Mézières FR
As part of the exhibition "Patterns, Loops, and Textures" at the Wallpaper Museum, guided tours of the exhibition are organized on certain Saturdays and Sundays.
Program for Saturday, April 20, 2024:

4:00 PM: Guided tour by Mikael Dürrmeier.
5:15 PM: Public music workshop led by Mikael. Spontaneous collective composition using the Buddha Machines from the FM3 (CN) duo. No musical prerequisites.
6:30 PM: Collective performance of Terry Riley's "In C" (minimalism, ambient).

Program for Sunday, May 26, 2024:

2:00 PM: Guided tour by Mikael Dürrmeier.
3:15 PM: "Orbita" workshop for all participants, led by Mikael. Discovery of a significant instrument from the exhibition to explore the relationship between sound and images. No musical prerequisites.
4:30 PM: Listening session led by Mikael. Collective discovery of a significant work from the minimalist or electronic music corpus. Preceded by an introduction and followed by a discussion.


Musée du papier peint

Mézières FR

1684 Mézières