# Arti sceniche # Questo e quello


Kultur- und Kongresszentrum La Poste, Theatersaal, La Post Platz 4, 3930 Visp
Hits & Acrobatics Festival
The myth of the legendary 1969 Woodstock Festival remains intact. For its 50th anniversary, the Wintergarten Varieté presents a show to the sound of Love, Peace and Happiness, premiering exactly on the first day of the festival of that era. Where the new Wintergarten now shines under the stars, was once the Latin Quarter. The Mecca of rock, founded a year after Woodstock. As in the past, the rebellious spirit of those days, when young people revolted against injustice, hostility to pleasure and war, will once again blow through the hall.

But the show isn't just a nostalgic look back. It also shows that Woodstock inspired every generation of musicians that followed, and still resonates today. That's why we also hear songs that weren't played at Woodstock, but which capture the spirit of the festival. The message of the music and show is as timeless as it is universal: "Make Love Not War" - transposable to every place in the world where generations and ethnic groups meet.

The world's best artists create their own choreographies to songs by Santana, Janis Joplin or Joe Cocker. Festival hits by Melanie, Jimi Hendrix and The Who are transformed into acrobatic tableaux. The Woodstock Varieté Show combines artistic body art, lively music and culinary refinements in an elegant atmosphere. An unforgettable evening of variety with a Woodstock feel and guaranteed goose bumps.

Berlin's Winter Garden

Setting the scene

Frank Müller


Renate Wasdrack, Frank Müller


Christopher Ciraulo (Crsto)

The band - Chill-Factor

Jan Stolderfoht (guitar, MD), Lexa Schäfer (bass),

Sebastian Düwelt (piano, keyboard, congas)

Otto Block (drums), Jez Green (piano, keyboard, vocals)

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.
