# Sports

Dive around the Rheinau power station

22.06.2024 10:00 - 12:30
Salmenwiese , alte Zollbrücke in Rheinau, Neuwiesenstr. 95, 8462 Rheinau
Members of Aqua Viva: Fr. 30.- (couples: Fr. 50.-) Non-members: Fr. 40.- (couples: Fr. 70.-) Payment on site in cash or via Twint
The Rhine around the Rheinau power station is a varied dive site that is suitable for beginners.
Before the power station was built, strong currents created enchantingly beautiful underwater canyons. With a bit of luck, catfish, eels, eglis and burbot may even emerge from their hiding places. Before the dive, we learn how and why the story of Aqua Viva began at the Rheinau power plant. Why the section of river is now more still water than flowing water because of the power station, how this fundamentally changed the aquatic ecology and made diving possible in the first place.

Rolf Hungerbühler, Aqua Viva
Julia Szreniawa, Aqua Viva

Diving equipment
Own diving equipment complete incl. air tank

Diving certification: at least PADI/SSI "open water diver" or equivalent Insurance Insurance is the responsibility of the participants.

Opening hours

from 9.30 a.m. coffee and croissants from approx. 12.30 p.m. lunch together in the Salmen restaurant (at cost price)


Aqua Viva

Tobias Herbst

Neuwiesenstr. 95
